26 March 2010
How Do You Do It? Nice and Easy or Rough and Tough!
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PERVS! Get your mind out of the gutter. I don't mean THAT! I meant how do you treat your books?
A couple weeks ago I was bemoaning the fact that I really wanted to read Lisa Kleypas Married by Morning, which comes out in May and I couldn't wait to get a hand on a copy. Sarah, one of my Twitter friends, tweeted me and said that she had a copy of the book and that she'd let me borrow it.

I'm rough and tough on my books. I couldn't stand the pressure of returning a book she so generously lent me in worse condition than it was sent out to me.
When I'm reading a book I take it everywhere I go. I read at red lights while I'm driving. I read when I'm eating. I take my books when I go to the bathroom, when I'm brushing my teeth, when I'm curling my hair, when I'm . . . well you get the point. And sometimes things happen.
Eww, I know what you were thinking, I'm not that bad! I meant getting wet from the sink, pages crinkled, food spilled.
I sit on the couch and read while I'm watching television. Occasionally, books get dismantled. With a toddler, things get snatched and ripped apart, like the cover of my copy of Flameseeker.
Sometimes my books get put in his mouth and they're teeth marks on them. Liquids occasionally get spilled on my books, spines bent from me or someone else sitting on them when I had sitting somewhere. I ended up having to pay back the library for their copy of Twilight because Queen (my daughter - not her real name) once spilled cocoa on the pages of the book while I had it sitting on the table. The library, rightfully so, refused to take the book back.
So I don't borrow books from other people. Well, that's not necessary true. Umm, @writerlygirl, yes I know that I've had your copy of Eclipse for over a year now. It's in good condition I swear, but I just keep forgetting to grab it when I know I'm going to see you. How about I buy you another one and just mail it to you? Or I'll give it to you when stop by my way for the game. If I remember.
Yes, I'm one of THOSE people. People who take your books and never return them or return them in worse condition than it was lent to me in. I'm so sorry. I can't help it. It's a sickness.
I'm not a good person. Forgive me.
So tell me, how do you do it? Can't wait to hear!
PS. (Edited to add)
I have just ratted myself out because @writerlygirl just tweeted me and told me that she couldn't remember what she had done with her copy of Eclipse. LOL!

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14 people posted their 2 cents:
I'm kinda both. There are some books that I take great care of (Guild Hunter series, BDB, Twilight Series, Fever Series) and some that I have spilled stuff on. I can't remember those titles. I started off rough & tough and became more aware of what I am doing. I take my books everywhere with me in the house as well. I remind myself to be careful because I don't want to waste money buying the same book when I could be getting another book. Try to keep that in mind. I also keep them away from the kids. If I put it down I do it somewhere Faith can't get to it. You see Faith is part Goat I believe and she would love to get her hands on a book.
When it comes to my own books I'm pretty bad, and if I'm not careful have little food stains intersperse though out, but never a "dog ear" I just think that's sinful. With other people's books I'm a model student and actually get complements on the condition of said book. If only they knew...
Found you through the blog hop, great site!
Like you, I take my book everywhere! So by the time I'm done with it from being in and out of my purse, falling on the floor multiple times while trying to read it (hide it) at work and laying it on every surface of my house, I would say it's pretty beat up. Sooo, I like it rough. Btw, I also read at red lights. : )
I take my books everywhere also but I'm pretty gentle with them. My only "sin" is that I dog ear the pages. I hate bookmarks. I don't know why but I refuse to use them. I've started using post-it notes as book markers (when I remember) especially since most of my paperbacks are ending up on Goodreads for the bookswap. I'm prone to spill anything and everything frequently but luckily I haven't spilled anything on my books. I'd rather spill on myself or my bed or the couch than harm my books! See? Priorites!
I am very gentle with my books, but they do occasionally fall into the wrong hands. My 15 month old loves to tear and bite the books, but luckily she only does it to certain authors. Her main focus is Stephen King. I don't know why.
It's not a sickness, just your way of reading!! I on the other hand am very careful with my books. It's kind of like my OCD, lol. My twenty something year old books still look brand new except for the pages turning slightly yellow.
Just came to stop in and follow from the Book Blogger Hop! Your blog looks awesome...I'll defenitly be visiting!
Remind me never to offer to lend you a book. I am very gently with mine (though they do sometimes get a small food stain and end up with a crumb or two in the gutters.) I pretty much take my books with me when I go anywhere. But I don't crease the spines or dog ear the pages. I have a very large collection of bookmarks. I can almost match the mood of the bookmark to the book.
BTW: I found you on the blog hop and am now a follower.
I'm the same way! It's nearly impossible for me to keep a book in pristine condition although I do try. I once loaned a brand new book to my future sister-in-law and she told me she was going to buy me another copy because she cracked the spine. I looked at her like she was insane. I crack the spine all the time! It's how you get a book "lived in".
Oh girl, I was cringing reading this post. I keep my book in really good condition. I have a sh*t fit if my husband touches a book and curls the cover. No, no, no! Once someone loaned me a book and the cover was curled. I put it on the shelf horizontally under a few heavy books to smooth is out and unfolded the corners. I returned her book in better condition than she loaned it LOL. I tried not to do the *ewww* face while reading it. I know, I need help.
I'm glad I'm not alone. I feel so much better now! LOL.
Sorry I haven't been on the computer much, it's been a busy day at work. But Chloe Harris (Noelle)- btw check out the review I did of her book Secrets of Sin - just told me about this site.
Those look great don't they? I think I'm going to have to invest in some soon!
I didn't see your comment until after I had aleady posted my coment.
Sorry for freaking you out! I'm trying to do better! LOL.
Hopped on over from the blog hop! New follower
I'm rough too. Broken spine. Coffee spilled.
I treat my books as well as I possibly can. I've been known to go into rant mode, when frequenting used bookstores, at the condition some of their books tend to be in. *blush* That said, I do have ocassional accidents--bent covers and the like, which I've been known agonized over.
Popped over from the blog hop. And I'm following you now. :) Love your blog. Keep up the good work!
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