29 December 2010
REVIEW: Indulgence In Death by J.D. Robb
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Author Name: J.D. Robb
ISBN #: 978-0-399-15687-8
Publisher Name: G.P. Putnam and Sons/The Penguin Group
Date Released: November 2010
Page Count: 373
Price: $26.95 Retail
Genre: Romantic Suspense
Book Format: Print
Attention, she thought. Her killers enjoyed it.
Considered it their due? Possibly. A different matter from the killer who sought attention because on some level he wanted to be caught, wanted to be stopped, even punished.
If it was, as her lone of theory followed, some sort of contest or competition, getting caught wasn't an issues. Winning was – or if not winning, the competition itself.
However, competitions head rules, she concluded. Had to have some sort of structure, and in order to win, someone else had to lose.
How many more rounds of play? She wondered. Was there an endgame.
Typical J.D. Robb Cover
The road was a killer, hardly wider than a decent stream of spit and snaking like a cobra between giant bushes loaded with strange flowers that resembled drops of blood.
Testing, she lifted her hips, let them fall. "Oh, for God's sake. We can't do this on a talking bed. Everybody in the house will know what's going on in here."
Enjoying himself, he nuzzled at her throat. "I believe they already suspect we have sex."
"Maybe, but that's different than having the bed yell out, 'Whoopee!"
Was it any wonder he adored her? he thought.
Watching her face, he trailed a finger over her breast. "We'll have quiet, dignified sex."
"If sex is dignified it's not being done right."
"I hear the cock woke you up."
Eve choked on her coffee. "What?"
"Not that kind of cock." Sinead sent a sparkling look over her shoulder. "Though if that's true as well, good for you. I meant the rooster."
"Hell, I'm packed five minutes from now. Do you really think somebody could try to hurt us?"
"Probably not. But I don't take chances with you guys."
"Aw, I love you, too."
"Why is that? Why do we love each other?"
"Because we are what we are, and we're both okay with it."
"Eve, I know this continues to astound and baffle you, but I actually like to socialize."
"I know. If it wasn't for that, you'd be perfect."
"It's Major Ketchup in the bathroom with the laser scalpel."
"Hmm." He sliced a delicately herbed spear of asparagus. "Obviously we were meant for each other as I can interpret that as you meaning something more like Colonel Mustard in the conservatory with the candlestick."
And I could go on and on and on. LOL
INDULGENCE IN DEATH is the 31st book in the In Death series and the series is still not old. Other authors try to do this and fail miserably and they even vary up their hero and heroines (cough, cough Sherrilyn Kenyon, J.R. Ward). But this is La Nora we are talking about. I believe that the reason In Death is still fresh is because we meet Eve and Roarke at the start of their relationship and with each book you see how they develop and grow inside that relationship (some books more than others). While the character development nor the mystery weren't as compelling as in some of the previous releases, INDULGENCE IN DEATH is still a solid entry into the series.
INDULGENCE IN DEATH opens with Eve and Roarke visiting his family in Ireland. Of course Eve on a farm is full of laugh out loud as well as some tender moments as she presents Roarke with his anniversary gift. The gift by the way was totally perfect and I loved it. I loved how this hard woman has slowly developed into this loving, considerate person (but still no nonsense). When they return from vacation, Eve is immediately assigned a homicide. The victims are all shot with hunting or old school weapons and it turns out that the suspects have all had their identities stolen and are made to look like the culprit. (This is not a spoiler as it's immediately ruled out). Eve, the great detective that she is, quickly concludes that this seems to be some type of thrill seeking game and she has her suspects, now all she has to do is prove it.
I liked that Eve was able to narrow on what was going on so quickly but had to work to build her case to prove her theory. That is more in line with the reality of police work in my experience.
Why, why, why is Roarke so involved in Eve's cases. I could understand if there was a lot of high tech computer stuff like it started at first, but now he's involved at every turn. Buddy, you are the leader of the free world, go lead it and stop getting involved in your wife's cases. It is soooooooo not realistic. I know you and Eve are true partners but there has to be other ways of showing this besides you sticking your nose in every, single case she has. That is so freaking annoying, you are so lucky that your Irish and gorgeous.
Besides my pet peeve of having Roarke so involved, the mystery of INDULGENCE IN DEATH didn't borther me as it might have some readers, this is because this seemed realistice in my experience. I've also read reviews that were disappointed with the lack of interaction between Eve, Roarke, and the other great characters. After reading the book, I totally didn't get that. That review actually made me hesitate to read INDULGENCE IN DEATH. I need to stop letting reviews make me hesitant to read something, because I usually think the opposite. HOWEVER, YOU SHOULD ALWAYS LISTEN TO ME BECAUSE I AM ALWAYS RIGHT – LOL. There was great interaction between the characters and I love how Eve is slowly allowing her work and private life to mingle to make her into a fully person. I don't think she'll ever be comfortable, but to see her initiate stuff and make the effort made my day. In previous books it seems as if the stuff was reluctantly thrown at her and her initiating social stuff was the character growth that I loved.
All in all I totally enjoyed INDULGENCE IN DEATH and I just wish that I wasn't so far down on my libraries hold list for next release like I was on this on. I usually am near the top.
Borrowed from my local library.

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