03 January 2011

Inside the Author's Studio with Beverley Kendall w/ Book Giveaway

with Beverley Kendall

I have always loved books, romance and wished that everyone (most especially me) would find their happily ever after. Add in my love of London, England set in a period when ladies strived to be genteel and dresses could barely fit through doors, and it was obvious I could write nothing but historical romances.

As the mother of one too bright and mischievous young boy, I pull full-time duty on all fronts. When I'm not working at my techy-type job, mothering, writing or reading, I'm probably sleeping and dreaming of a time when I'll have time for my favorite hobbies: knitting, crocheting and sewing.

Describe yourself in one sentence?

I’m creative to my very soul.

What are the one record, book, and food, you'd take to a desert island?
My Love by Paul McCartney and Wings, A Whole New Light by Sandra Brown and mangoes.

What did you want to be when you were growing up?
I wanted to be a published author.

Which book do you wish you'd written?
Sarah’s Child by Linda Howard

What makes you happy?
My son, my family and friends and reading and writing.

What makes you angry?
People who can never see that the glass is half full.

Name five people how you'd like to invite to a dinner party?
President Obama
Oprah Winfrey
Norman Rockwell
Stevie Wonder
Norm Abram from New Yankee Workshop

What's the scariest thing you've ever done?
Sent my manuscript off to be critiqued.

What inspired you to start writing?
My love of reading and my desire to change stories to suit myself.

Where would you most like to live?
In a state with all four seasons on the east coast, on a level two acre plot of land with a wrap-around porch.

What is your favorite curse word?

Who is your favorite man candy?
The guy on the cover of Lauren Dane’s Insatiable.

Sum up your latest release in no more than twelve words!
Pride and Prejudice meets The Taming of the Shrew with more heat.

Everyone leave a comment to thank Beverley for an awesome interview and to win a copy of her latest release A Taste of Desire. You have until midnight Sunday EST to enter. Good luck!

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28 people posted their 2 cents:

Melanie said...

Great interview! I agree with Beverley, the man on the cover of Insatiable is HOT! ;D

Unknown said...

Nice interview! I'd also love to have dinner with President Obama and Oprah.


Jamie Wesley said...

I enjoyed the interview. I love your choice of A Whole New Light. I absolutely adore that book.

CrystalGB said...

Hi Beverly. Great interview. Congrats on the release of A Taste of Desire. Sounds good.

desere_steenberg said...

Hello Beverly

Yes indeed a very big thank you for sharing this with us it was great to get to know you a bit better , your books are all simply stunning and I an a huge fan ! I agree the guy on the cover of Insatiable is absolutely delicious !

All the best

Blodeuedd said...

Is it international?

Lol,I love how you describe it, what a great mix, and yes heat is always nice.

Linda Young said...

Interesting interview. I was surprised at the choices for the dinner party. Very interesting choices.

Linda Young
qladyhawke at gmail dot com

Julie said...

That summation sure peaks my interest. Thanks for the interview and giveaway! :)

jcp said...

Thank you for the interview and giveaway!

mariska said...

I hope it's international ;)
Great interview Bev!

Uniquas ay ymail dot com

Carol L. said...

Congrats on the release tomorrow Beverley. I sure do agree the model for Insatiable is amazing Hot...I enjoyed your interview and getting to know you better,
Carol L

Elaine G said...

Great interview.Its nice getting to know authors a litle bit.
I love that cover too :)

Kwana said...

Fun interview. Thanks!

Jane said...

Congrats on the new release, Bev. I learned so much more about you from this interview.

chey said...

Congrats on the new release! Nice interview!
chey127 at hotmail dot com

Kendall Grace said...

Great interview! I love historicals and you do them so, so well. I am surprised that ass is your favorite cuss word. I would have thought I had rubbed off on you a little more ;-)

Sandra Lynne said...

Hi Bev!
I loved reading your post! I have the Sandra Brown in my TBR pile A WHOLE NEW LIGHT! I'm going to have to read it soon!
Good luck with A TASTE OF DESIRE! I loved your previous book SINFUL SURRENDER!

JenM said...

I'm with you, I get so annoyed at the glass half empty instead of half full people. We all need a bit more optimism in our lives. Best wishes on the new book.

jen at delux dot com

BRN said...

I'd love to read this. Good luck with sales.

katsrus said...

Hi Bev. Great interview. Following your blog tour.
Sue Brandes

Marq said...

The dude on the cover of Insatiable is so sexy! I think it's the same guy who's the model for Jaci Burton's Perfect Play. I want that book for the cover alone!

Lynz Pickles said...

Hello there, cover of Insatiable! Where have you been all of my life, you darling book, you?

(Also, yay for sharing non-book hobbies! *peeks at yarn beside computer*)

catslady said...

That was a great interview and I'm looking forward to reading A Taste of Desire!!

Stephanie M said...

Great interview. Congrats on the new release.

smccar1 at hotmail dot com

LilMissMolly said...

Congrats on the new release. Loved the interview and especially your The Season Blog too!
lvsgund at gmail dot com

marian said...

great interview!! can't wait to read this book!


Chelsea B. said...

Your book is like Pride and Prejudice? I'm in! Thanks for the great interview!

Beverley Kendall said...

Thanks, Everyone for dropping by!!!

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